Drop-In Centre, King’s Cross
Our drop-in centre is open to all women who need it without any appointment from Monday to Thursday from 12.30pm to 3.30pm – just come along and ‘drop in’. Women can also make appointments to see a support worker outside of these times.
There is no limit to how many times women can visit. Women do not have to undertake casework/advocacy to come to drop-in. Women can attend on their own terms for whatever they need.
Services we provide during Drop-In Hours:
Food & Drink (Toasties, Soups, Snacks, Tea, Coffee and Juice)
Hot showers, laundry facilities
Weather-appropriate clothing and basic toiletries
Friendly conversation and listening ears
Workshops and Holistic Therapies
Easy going activities including crafts, reflexology, nails
Drop-In Hours
54-55 Birkenhead Street
London, UK WC1H 8BB
(020) 7520 1710